Spirit Jugs

Spirit Jugs (Milk Jugs Lights) - Halloween Ideas

Last Updated: 02/10/2011


I can’t take credit for this one. This year I picked up a Disney Family Fun Halloween magazine and found this very creative project, Spirit Jugs.

I found the article online – you can find it here -

I had to add sand/pea gravel to the bottom of each jug to keep them from blowing away. It is windy in the Midwest during the Halloween season.

Instead of using Christmas lights, I used Christmas candles (electrical ones - Christmas Indoor Candle Lamps). I was fortunate enough to find more than a dozen used candles at a garage sell for next to nothing. I used one candle per milk jug. I drilled a hole in the top of each milk jug cap (in the center) and used a utility knife to cut a line in the cap from the hole through to the end of the cap. I did this so I could insert the cord of the candle stick into the cap…read on.


I broke off the base of the candle and discarded it. Then tied a knot in the cord nearest to the remaining base or stick of the candle. I then pushed the cord through the cap so that the knot would catch at the top of the cap. I then dangled the candle stick into the milk jug and attached the cap to the jug. The candle stick pretty much dangles inside the milk jug. Refer to the pictures to get the general idea.

I used a Christmas extension cord, one with multiple female ends (plugs) to connect multiple jugs together to provide power.



See the my jugs by viewing my “Halloween Outdoor” decorations below.