Talking Boris

Halloween Boris talking skull w/ microphone (animated, prop)

Talking thru Boris w/ voice synthesizer

Boris skull with synchronized animated jaw. Speak into the “mircobone” and jaw moves in a synchronized manner to match the sound input from the microphone. There are 4 voice effects, Robotic, Alien, Monster, and Amplify. The skull’s eye sockets flash LED red with every word and his teeth glow in the dark.

Tested with the Try Me button, and the skull works, however, the batteries appear to be very weak. Requires 6AA batteries.

There are lots of Halloween “hacks” on the web for the Boris Skull. Do some searching on the web and you will see all sorts of ideas for this animated prop.  Do a search on “boris talking skull” for starters.

The package pictured is the Boris that will be shipped. The picture of Boris outside of the packaging is one of my own Boris skulls. Your Boris will be packed in its original packaging.

Here are few of ideas for your Boris skull.

1.Use an MP3 player and connect the audio OUT (using a mini-plug) to Boris via the microphone wire (audio IN). Then play scary “talk” via an MP3 recording or sound track.

2.Use a pair FRS radios (walkie-talkies) and connect the output of one radio (using a mini-plug) to the audio IN to Boris via the microphone wire (audio IN). Then hide in remote location and use the radio to make the Boris talk from a far (like a wireless microphone).

3.If you have a pair these skulls, you can create the effect that the skulls are talking to one another. Using the right and left audio channels, you could play back a sound routine (like the famous Abbott and Costello “Who’s on First” routine.) that has one channel for the voice of one skull and the other channel for the voice of the other skull. Since the Boris Skull only moves its jaw when sound input is received, the one skull will talk while the other listens, then vice versa. Do a search on YouTube for “talking skulls” and you will get more ideas. If you need another skull, I might be talked into to selling one of my opened Boris skulls.